I was born in 1964 in Hungary to Italian and Hungarian parents.
I inherited my sensitivity for the arts from my Italian father and perseverance and hard work from my Hungarian mother.
It was in 1988 when I developed my first photo. At first, photography was a hobby, but later it became my passion. I have been working as a photojournalist since 1990.
Currently, I am a photographer for Zalai Hírlap. This daily newspaper is published daily in Zala County (Hungary).
“All beings exist in order to be photographed by a photographer someday”
“Minden dolog azért van a világon, hogy a fotós egyszer képet készítsen róla”

List of Exhibitions
My pictures have been in exhibitions since 1991.
Interested people could see my photos at 40 individual and nearly 65 group exhibitions.
2024 Zalaegerszeg, XIV. Press Photo Exhibition of Zalaegerszeg
2023 Csonkahegyhát, A selection of my press photos
2023 Zalaegerszeg, ​XIII. Press Photo Exhibition of Zalaegerszeg
2022 Zalaegeszeg, Our Life, exhibition
2022 Budapest, IV. MediaWorks Hungary Exhibition
2022 Zalaegerszeg, ​XII. Press Photo Exhibition of Zalaegerszeg
2021 Zalaegerszeg, Photos of Kvártélyház Summer Theater
2021 Budapest, III. MediaWorks Hungary Exhibition
2021 Zalaegerszeg, XI. Press Photo Exhibition of Zalaegerszeg

2020 Zalaegerszeg, X. Press Photo Exhibition of Zalaegerszeg
2020 Budapest, II. MediaWorks Hungary Exhibition
​2019 Budapest, I. MediaWorks Hungary Exhibition
2019 Zalaegerszeg, IX. Press Photo Exhibition of Zalaegerszeg
​2018 Zalaegerszeg, VIII. Press Photo Exhibition of Zalaegerszeg

2017 Zalaegerszeg, VII. Press Photo Exhibition of Zalaegerszeg
​2016 Zalaegerszeg, VI. Press Photo Exhibition of Zalaegerszeg
​2015 Zalaegerszeg, V. Press Photo Exhibition of Zalaegerszeg
Pictures of the Year 2014
​2014 Egervár, Sajtópáholy 
2014 Zalaegerszeg, IV. Press Photo Exhibition of Zalaegerszeg
Pictures of the year 2103
2013 Klagenfurt, Twin TownArt, Klagenfurt/Zalaegerszeg, group exhibition with Eva Asaad, Ferdinand Neumüller, Péter Seres.
2013 Zalaegerszeg, III. Press Photo Exhibition of Zalaegerszeg. Sándor Hevesi Theater, Pictures of the Year 2012.
2013 Zalaegerszeg, The Theater’s 30 years old. Together with Éva Keleti, Zrínyi Highschool.
2012 Nagykanizsa, XXXVIII. Personal Exhibition.
title: Momentary Stories – the premier ✔Look at it!
2012 Zalalövő, Exhibition of G5 group, second station of Pictures of the Year 2011 in the Culture Central, Zalalövő
2012 Zalaegerszeg, Exhibition of G5 group, Sandor Hevesi Theater.
title: Pictures of the Year 2011
2011 Zalaegerszeg, II. Press Photo Exhibition of Zalaegerszeg, Sandor Hevesi Theater. Pictures of 2010
2011 Budapest, Pictures of the 2010 Exhibition of G5 group

2010 Gyenesdiás, XXXVII. Personal Exhibition, House Of Village
title: The Day of Poetry ✔Look at it!
2010 Zalaegerszeg, Poorness. Outdoor exhibition on the Main Place in Zalaegerszeg. XXXVI. personal exhibition p.e
2010 Cserszegtomaj, XXXV. personal exhibition. International Artists Meeting
2009 Gyula, Castle Theater of Gyula – Theater is all of the World. group
2009 Zalaegerszeg, Miklós Zrinyi High school. Pictures of Theater 2007-2009 XXXIV. personal exhibition
2007 Zalaegerszeg, Gönczi Galleria, Pic of the Summer Theater. XXXIII. p.e
2007 Szécsisziget, Together with Gábor Tompa,Title: Szécsisziget 
2007 Zalaegerszeg, MMIK title: Pictures of the Summer Theater. XXXII. 
2006 Zalalövő, XXXI. Personal exhibition  Title: Passion and The Secrets
2006 Gutorfölde, XXX. Personal exhibition, Title: Passion and The Secret
2006 Szécsisziget, Together with Gábor Tompa, title: Vario of Corpus
2005 Becsvölgye, Faluház, Falunap, XXIX. personal Exhibition, title: Meeting
2005 Zalaegerszeg, Zalai Hírlap is 60 years old, group, title: The Woman
2005 Zalaegerszeg, House of Kamarak, Group, title: The Woman
2005 Becsvölgye, Unio and the Women Conference Group
2004 Zalalövő, Zala Menti Napok. XXVIII. personal Exhibition
2004 Budapest, Theater of Thalia, XXVII. personal exhibition,
title: Theater is the World 2003
2004 Zalaegerszeg, Ötvös ÁMK, XXVI. personal exhibition,
title: Carnival in Venezia
2004 Zalaegerszeg, Móricz MK, group, Local artist
2004 Budapest, Hungarian Press Award and Exhibition
2003 Miháld, Village House, Falunap alkalmából, XXV. personal exhibition
2002 Nagykanizsa, HSMK, “Our life” National exhibition. Second prize.
2002 Cserszegtomaj, School, XXIV. personal exhibition, Collection 91-02
2002 Zalaegerszeg, Ötvös ÁMK, XXIII. personal exhibition,
title: Theater is the World
2001 Zalaegerszeg, Móricz Cultural Center, XXI. Personal Exhibition,
title: Celebration of The Deepest Point.
2001 Zalaegerszeg, Kafka College, XXII. Personal Exhibition,
title: Carnevale in Venezia
2001 Marosvásárhely, Romania, Tirgu Mures Romania, I.International Salon, my photo: Gold Mask.
2000 Kunszentmiklós, Cultural Center, title: Age of Árpád, group, national exhibition.
2000 Zalaegerszeg, Hevesi Sándor Theater, XVIII. Personal Exhibition,
title: Photographer’s eyes
2000 Zalaegerszeg, MMIK, XIX. Personal Exhibition, title: The World is Theater.
2000 Marosvásárhely – Tirgu Mures Romania, group, Photo Club of Zalaegerszeg
2000 Egervár, School, XX. Personal Exhibition, title: The World is Theater
2000 Nagykanizsa, HSMK, Our Life national exhibition, national, group
1999 Zalaegerszeg, Gallery of Apáczai ÁMK, XV. Personal Exhibition,
title: Venezia and Carnevale
1999 Zalaegerszeg, Miklós Zrínyi Gallery of High school XVI. Personal Exhibition, title: The best pictures
1999 Kustánszeg, Day of the Village, XVII. Personal Exhibition,
title: Venice and the Carnevale
1998 Letenye, Torch Cultural Center, Hungarian Photo Week,
title: Carnevale il Venice ’98 XIV. personal exhibition
1998 Zalalövő, Gallery of Cultural Center, XIII. Personal Exhibition,
title: Carnevale il Venice ’98
1997 Nagykanizsa, Sandor Hevesi Cultural Center, XI. Personal Exhibition,
title: Pictures…
1997 Letenye, Torch Cultural Center, X. Personal Exhibition,
title: Everyday Dreams
1997 Zalaegerszeg, Ferenc Deák High school, IX. Personal Exhibition,
title: Carnival in Venezia
1997 Budapest, International Work Shop of BP,
title: with Europa Eyes, group, national exhibition
1997 Zalaegerszeg, Dezső Pais School, XII. Personal Exhibition,
Title: Carnival in Venezia
1997 Zalaegerszeg, Sandor Hevesi Theater,
VIII. Personal Exhibition, title: Nudes ✔Look at it!
1996 Budapest, MÁV 150 years, national compete Second Prize
1996 Budapest, Óbuda Photo Club, The Best Picture of Quarter, group
1996 Teheran, IRAN, Teheran Contemporary Art Museum,
Iran Photo Biennial, International Diploma, experiment category
1996 Dunaújváros, Photo Gallery, group, national
1995 Szeged, Ferenc Mora Museum, group, national, the theme: Young Hungarian Photo ’90s
1995 Nagykanizsa, Place Club, VI. Personal Exhibition,
title:  Last of Modest’s Silence
1995 Zalaegerszeg, Hamburger School, group
1995 Zalaegerszeg, Sandor Hevesi Theater, VII. Personal Exhibition,
Title: Last of Modest’s Silence
1995 Makó, Attila József Cultural Center, group, national. theme: Nude
1995 Kecskemét, Museum of Hungarian Photography,
title: Season of Budapest, First Prize national
1994 Zalaszentgrót, Cultural Center of Town, IV. Personal Exhibition,
1994 Miskolc, Miskolc Gallery, Young Hungarian Photo ’90s, group, national
1994 Nagykanizsa, Sandor Hevesi Cultural Center,
title: “Our Life”, national prize: Grand Prize
1994 Letenye, Torch Cultural Center,
V. Personal Exhibition, title: Csángók ✔Look at it!
1994 Miskolc, Miskolc Gallery, title: “I’m just thinking”, group, national
1994 Budapest, Budapest Gallery, group, national
1994 Makó, Attila József Cultural Center, title: Nudes, group, national
1993 Budapest, Pataky Cultural Center, group, national
1993 Szeged, University, group, national
1993 Lenti, Gönczi High school, III. Personal Exhibition, Title: Bedtime Story
1992 Budapest, SOTE, group, national
1992 Dunaújváros, Cultural Center of Worker, group, national
1992 Zalaegerszeg, Cultural Center of Zala County, group
1992 Kaposvár, Kapos Art, title: East-Europa postcard, National First Prize
1992 Letenye, Torch Cultural Center,
II. Personal Exhibition, Title: Bedtime Story v2
1992 Zalaegerszeg, Cultural Center of Zala Town,
I. Personal Exhibition, title: Bedtime Story ✔Look at it!
1991 Zalaegerszeg, Cultural Center of Zala County, group
1991 Lenti, László Sólyom Cultural Center, group
1991 Dunaújváros, Cultural Center of Worker, group, national prize
1991 Zalaegerszeg, Cultural Center of Zala County, group 

1990 Second Prize, Zalaegerszeg, Zala County Photo Competition 
Title of picture: “Menhely”
1992 First Prize, National, Kaposvár, KaposArt, East-Europa postcard
Title of picture: “Holy falmily”
1994 Grand Prize, National, Nagykanizsa, “Our Life”
Title of picture: “Cigarette”
1996 Second Prize, National, Budapest, MÁV 150 years
1995 First Prize, National, Kecskemét, Seasons of Budapest, Museum of Photography
1994 National Diploma, Budapest, The Best Pictures of Quarter
1996 International Diploma, Teheran, IRAN, Photo Biennial, Teheran Contemporary Art Museum
Title of picture: “Maybe”
2012 Nagypáli Media Award – 2012
2002 Second Prize, National, Nagykanizsa, HSMK. Our life
1998 Press Award ’97 from The Zala News
1997 Special Award, Budapest, with Europa Eyes, BNV
2019 Budapest MediaWorks Prizes, 2x first and one second prize
Title of picture: “Parkoló”, “Húsvéti locsolás”, “Életnyomok a periférián”
Easter Monday 2019
Car parking 2019
2020 Budapest II. MediaWorks Photo Competition, second prize
Title of picture: “Az első kettő”
Two winners 2020
2021 Budapest III. MediaWorks Photo Competition, third prize
Title of picture: “Hajnal”
Early morning 2021
2022 Budapest IV. MediaWorks Photo Competition,
second prize – Title of a picture: “Szabadstrand”
third prize – Title of a picture: “Online énekóra”
Free beach 2022
Online singing lesson 2022
Special award at Prima Primmissima 2022 Hungary

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